
Data Protection Policy

OHS Village Hall is a not for profit organised registered with the Charity Commission.


  • OHS village Hall recognises its responsibility to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA). The act regulates the use of personal data and the rights of individuals have been strengthened with the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) in May 2018.
  • The Data Protection Act 1998 sets out high standards for the handling of private information and protection individuals’ rights for privacy. It also regulates how personal information can be collected, handled and used. The Act applies to anyone holding personal information about people – electronically or on paper.


OHS Village Hall has a number of procedures in place to ensure that it complies with the Data Protection Act 1998 when holding personal information:

  • Data is processed fairly and lawfully.
  • Data is processed for specified purpose only.
  • Data is relevant to the need.
  • Data is accurate and kept up to date.
  • Data is not kept any longer than necessary.
  • Data is kept securely and confidentially.
  • Data is processed in accordance with rights of individuals.

Equality and Diversity Policy

OHS Village Hall Management Committee recognises that everyone has a contribution to make our society and a right to equal opportunity. We value diversity and will promote involvement and use of the hall by all members of our community.

No member, volunteer, organisation or individual to which we provide facilities will be discriminated against by us on the grounds of:
  • gender (including sex, marriage, gender re-assignment)
  • race (including ethnic origin, colour, nationality and national origin)
  • disability
  • sexual orientation
  • religion or belief
  • age
  • social background
  • geographical location
We aim to promote equal opportunities, eliminate discrimination and harassment through the following:
  1. Opposing all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.
  2. All volunteers, hirers, members and beneficiaries will be treated fairly and with respect.
  3. Committee membership appointment will be available to all.
  4. All volunteers, members, hirers and users have a legal and moral obligation not to discriminate and to report incidents of discrimination against any individual or group of individuals to the secretary.
Our Commitment
  • To create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all are recognised and valued.
  • Every user, hirer, volunteer, member and beneficiary is entitled to be part of an environment that promotes dignity and respect to all. No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated.

OHS Village Hall have affirmed their commitment to the equal opportunities and diversity policy set out in this document and will work to develop and improve it.

Finance Policy

  1. The Trustees will manage the assets of the charity in accordance with the OHS Trust Deed dated
  2. The Trustees will insure the Hall property with a reputable Insurance Company on an “All Risks” basis for its full rebuild value, the sums insured shall be reviewed at each policy renewal.
  3. Financial records will be kept to ensure that the hall meets its legal and other obligations under the Charity Commission Law.
  4. The financial year will end on 30 th June and accounts for each financial year will be drawn up and approved by the Trustees prior to being presented to the Annual General Meeting.
  5. All funds held in accounts in the name of OHS Village Hall and Playing Field Trust at such banks on such terms as the Trustees shall decide. All cheques and bank transfers documentation shall require the signatures of two authorised signatories authorised by minute of a Committee Meeting.
  6. A financial report shall be presented at each meeting of the Trustees.
  7. All expenditure shall be properly authorised and documented.

Financial Procedures

  1. Financial records shall be kept by the Treasurer.
  2. A book detailing transactions of the OHS Village Hall accounts.
  3. A permanent record of end of year accounts to be kept.
  4. Required records to be filed to Charity Commission annually.

Fire Procedure

In the event of a fire the person in charge of the hall or function must first instruct all persons to leave the building using the nearest available exits.

CALL THE FIRE BRIGADE ON 999 using a mobile phone.
The hall address is:

Forest Road
IP14 3HJ

Once the hall has been evacuated members of the public should not re-enter the building until they are told it is safe to do so.

When the fire brigade arrives the person in charge should report to the FIRE OFFICER IN CHARGE about the safety of the people who were in the building.

Do not attempt to extinguish an outbreak of fire using the appliances provided unless you are familiar with how to operate them and it is safe to do so.

General Rules Governing the use of OHS Village Hall and Playing Field


The management of the Village Hall is vested in the Management Committee of the Village Hall, whose powers and composition are defined in the Constitution, a copy of which may be obtained from the Chair or Secretary of the Committee.

Under the provision of the Constitution, the Management Committee is empowered to make rules, or to withdraw or amend them.

Use of the Village Hall

Use of the Village Hall and its facilities is subject to the following rules and, in the case of hirers, to certain standard conditions incorporated in the hiring agreement.

Equal Oppertunities

The Village Hall shall be open to all members of the community regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, religious or political beliefs or marital status.

Applying to Use the Hall

  1. Application for use of the Hall shall be made to the Village Hall Bookings Secretary.
  2. The right to refuse any application for the use of Hall facilities is reserved to the Committee, or the Bookings Secretary, provided that the Bookings Secretary reports his/her action to the next meeting of the Management Committee. The Management Committee may refuse an application to use the Hall’s facilities, if the use by a particular organisation or individual presents a risk of public disorder or of alienating the Village Hall’s beneficiaries or supporters.
  3. All arrangements for the use of Hall are subject to the Management Committee reserving the right to cancel bookings when the premises are required for use as a Polling Station, or are rendered unfit for the intended use.
  4. Regular users groups shall normally have priority use of its facilities, but all arrangements to hire facilities made with outside bodies and individuals shall be honoured by the Management Committee, except as provided for in (c) above. If regular users wish to use the hall outside of their agreed times they should contact the bookings secretary who will make the appropriate charge. Occasional hirers have 1 hour before and 1 hour after the booking to set up and clear up. Any additional time will be charged accordingly.
  5. Regular users are required to give the Bookings Secretary at least 2 weeks notice in writing (ideally 4 weeks notice), if they propose to end a regular hiring agreement of the Hall. Occasional breaks in the hiring agreement will be permitted, if 2 weeks notice in writing is given to the Bookings Secretary. This will enable the Management Committee to let the room to other users. Failure to provide notice in writing will mean that the user is charged for the hire of the room/ building

Hours of Opening

Facilities at the Village Hall are normally available for use between the hours of 8am and 11pm on weekdays, and 8am and 11.30 pm at weekends. In exceptional cases, these hours may be extended on application to the Management Committee/ Bookings Secretary.

Maximum Capacity

The Hall has a maximum capacity of 200 people or 120 seated (these figures include helpers and performers), and on no account shall these figures be exceeded.


Nothing shall be done which will endanger the users of the building, and the policies of insurance relating to it and to its contents. In particular:

  1. obstructions must not be placed in gangways or exits, nor in front of emergency exists, which must be immediately available for free public egress;
  2. the emergency lighting supply must be turned on during the whole time the premises are occupied, and must illuminate all exit signs and routes.
  3. fire-fighting apparatus shall be kept in its proper place and only used for its intended purpose;
  4. the Fire Brigade shall be called to any outbreak of fire, however slight, and details of the occurrence shall be given to the Bookings Secretary:
  5. performance involving danger to the public shall not be given;
  6. highly flammable substances shall not be brought into, or used in any part of the premises. No internal decorations of a combustible nature (eg: Polystyrene, cotton, etc) shall be undertaken or erected without the consent of the Management Committee;
  7. no unauthorised heating appliance shall be used on the premises;
  8. the First Aid box shall be readily available to all users of the premises. It is located in the kitchen. The Bookings Secretary shall be informed of any accident or injury occurring on the premises.
  9. all electrical equipment brought into the building shall comply with the Electricity at Work Regulations, 1989. The Management Committee disclaims all responsibility for all claims and costs arising out of any such equipment that does not so comply.


The hirer or person in charge of the activity shall not be under 18 years of age and shall be on the premises for the entire period of hire, or duration of the activity. The person in charge shall not be engaged in any duties which prevent him / her from exercising general supervision. When the premises or any part of them are used for the purpose of public entertainment, there shall be a minimum of two persons, neither of whom shall be less than 18 years of age, on duty. Should the hall be hired for children’s/ young person’s function (under 18yrs), there must be one responsible adult for every 10 young person attending the function. All persons in charge or on duty shall have been informed of the procedure for evacuation of the premises and shall be familiar with the fire-fighting equipment available. Any damage that is noticed should be reported immediately to a committee member, as with any accidental damage that occurs during the use of the hall.

Intoxicating Substances

No illegal substances (i.e. drugs, vapours etc.), are permitted to be bought, sold orconsumed on any part of the Hall premises. If a bar is required this should be requested atthe time of booking. Those responsible for the hiring of the Hall shall be responsible for thebehaviour of all those attending the event, ensuring that under age drinking and theconsumption of illegal substances does not take place. The hall operates a strictly nosmoking policy in line with current legal obligations

Betting, Gaming and Lotteries

Nothing shall be done on, or in relation to the Hall’s premises, in contravention of the lawrelating to betting, gaming and lotteries, and the person, or organisations responsible forfunctions held on the hall premises, shall ensure that the requirements of the relevantlegislation are strictly observed.

Stage Plays

The Bookings Secretary must be given at least four weeks’ notice of a stage play production.

Recorded Music Licence

It is the responsibility of any independent user group which uses recorded music in its activities to check if it requires a licence from Phonographic Performances Ltd (PPL) and, if so, to obtain one.


The permission of the Management Committee must be obtained before goods or equipmentare left or stored at the Hall, except that the Bookings Secretary is authorised to grantpermission for the overnight storage of goods and equipment brought to the Hall for aparticular function or event.

Loss of Property

The Management Committee cannot accept responsibility for damage to, or the loss, or theftof, Hall users’ property and effects. Any equipment stored at the hall must be insured ifrequired by the hirer themselves. However any property stored at the hall must be dulyrespected by all users.

Car Parking

Parking is with the agreement of the Management Committee and the Church Rooms. Carsshall not be parked so as to cause an obstruction at the entrance to, or exits from, the Halls.Parking on the private Woodland Close is prohibited. Users of the Hall and car park shouldavoid undue noise on arrival and departure. The Committee will not be responsible fordamage or loss suffered to any vehicle parked on the car park.


  1. Litter and refuse shall not be left in or about the Hall premises, the Hirer should take allrubbish away with them for disposal.
  2. Except in the case of trained guide-dogs for the blind, dogs shall only be permitted on theHall premises in connection with organised activities such as dog training or dog shows.
  3. Hirers and organisers of events in the Hall are responsible for ensuring that the noise levelof their functions is not such as to interfere with other activities within the building, nor tocause inconvenience for the occupiers of nearby houses and property.
  4. Hirers and organisers of events are responsible for the conduct of those attending theactivity or function. This is to ensure that the activity or function is enjoyed by all attending,and to prevent disturbance and nuisance within the village.

Cleaning and Security

All users of the Hall premises and facilities are subject to them accepting responsibility forreturning furniture and equipment to their original position, and for securing doors andwindows of the premises, as directed by the Bookings Secretary. All users shall also leavethe premises and surrounds in a clean and tidy state. Any damage to grass on the playingfield is the responsibility of the Hirer.

Data Protection Policy

OHS Village Hall is a not for profit organised registered with the Charity Commission.


  • OHS village Hall recognises its responsibility to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA). The act regulates the use of personal data and the rights of individuals have been strengthened with the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) in May 2018.
  • The Data Protection Act 1998 sets out high standards for the handling of private information and protection individuals’ rights for privacy. It also regulates how personal information can be collected, handled and used. The Act applies to anyone holding personal information about people – electronically or on paper.


OHS Village Hall has a number of procedures in place to ensure that it complies with the Data Protection Act 1998 when holding personal information:

  • Data is processed fairly and lawfully.
  • Data is processed for specified purpose only.
  • Data is relevant to the need.
  • Data is accurate and kept up to date.
  • Data is not kept any longer than necessary.
  • Data is kept securely and confidentially.
  • Data is processed in accordance with rights of individuals.